Wednesday, October 30, 2019
THE ROLE PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS IN SCHOOLS - Case Study Example In this regard, a teacher who has just started her career may be motivated by the salary he or she gets at the end of the month. However, as time goes, the same teacher wants more in order to get satisfaction from his job. By more, it is not in terms of the salary they get but by the role he or she plays in the society. Every teacher, after some years in teaching wants to have the guarantee that he or she is contributing positively to the society. He or she wants to see himself as an inspirer and as a person who contributes in a positive way to the society. If the society perceives him as a source of inspiration for the young minds, he will receive admiration and this will fulfill him. This perception will help in making the teacher feel more important and this also helps in improving the way he regards his work as a professional. When a teacher feels that the society and possibly his students believe that his role is important, he is most likely to invest more time in his professional development and be even better. These perceptions can be revealed in a number of ways. First, the way the parents delegate some of the parenting roles to the teacher such as disciplining their child can be indicative of the way the parent perceives the teacher. This perception will also determine how the teacher relates with his students. Of importance to understand is that the way the teacher is treated will also affect her perception of how important his role is. If the teacher perceives that the society (such as the parents, the students, the school) donââ¬â¢t treat her with dignity, this will change the way the teacher will relate with her students. The teacher can use these perceptions to determine how he or she is going to relate with the students and this will determine whether she will be defensive or affective. They will determine whether the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Viruses And Antivirus Computer Science Essay
Viruses And Antivirus Computer Science Essay In this report, you will find the important things that needed about viruses and antivirus. It covers the different type of viruses. For instance, file viruses and Macro virus. These can affect any organization data. Furthermore, it covered the history of viruses, how do viruses spread? and latest viruses prevalent in the world . The computers network has become very wide interconnecting to any part in the global. Therefore, any networks connected to the Internet and without any security infrastructure becomes vulnerable to any attack from people who attempt to damage them by sending viruses. Computer Virus is small software programs that can infect or attack a computer and networks by making copies of itself or by executing , replicate itself without knowledge .It is called Computer Virus because it shares some of the features of biological viruses .The dangers of this virus that it can be modification or deletion data and attach itself by using software, documents and files to access in your computer. It creates a lot of problems: The Creeper virus was first detected on ARPANET, the forerunner of the Internet in the early 1970s. Creeper was an experimental self-replicating program written by Bob Thomas at BBN in 1971. Creeper used the ARPANET to infect DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating system. Creeper gained access via the ARPANET and copied itself to the remote system where the message, Im the creeper, catch me if you can! was displayed. The Reaper program was created to delete Creeper. A program called Rother J was the first computer virus to appear in the wild à ¿Ã ½ that is, outside the single computer or lab where it was created.[citation needed] Written in 1981 by Richard Skrenta, it attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3 operating system and spread via floppy disk.[6] This virus was created as a practical joke when Richard Skrenta was still in high school. It was injected in a game on a floppy disk. On its 50th use the Elk Cloner virus would be activated, infecting the computer and displa ying a short poem beginning Elk Cloner: The program with a personality. The first computer virus called Brain which created by two brothers who were running a computer store in Pakistan in 1986. They weaned a program that could spread form PC to another. Brain was harm less because it doesnt delete the files in the computer and move on . In addition it is too easy to be discovered by the infected users by noticing the changed volume label .After Brain, there were many other viruses developed such as Cascade, Alameda , Jerusalem and Lehigh . These viruses were more dangerous than Brain because they were able to infect .COM and .EXE files while Brain can infect the boot sector .In 1992, the first virus came to infect documents and spreadsheets throughout Microsoft Office which is called Macro virus . The Macro is a group of user commands that can be stored and run to gather . It can infect Microsoft Word or Excel on a PC and also spread to another operation system such as Macintosh. It can be also repetitive tasks within one application, and it is very spe eded to share documents between users . When the internet became more people used this is a technology and also became more advanced but unfortunately , it is also helping these viruses to spread more and infect more users are used the internet through the emails such as Melisse virus . The Melisse virus is one of the document viruses that forward itself by emails. It is used the Outlook program to send an e-mail attachment such as Microsoft Word document to anyone . After that lots of viruses are spreading through emails in the world such as Love Bug , Love Letter, I Love You à ¿Ã ½etc. 3.0. Type of viruses: Recently, most of the viruses are increased through the internet. People who create them, they may attached viruses to email and distribute them everywhere. There are more than one virus that can replicate itself and destroy data or computer. They are different in shape and functionality. Below are the type of virus: Boot Virus: This type of virus can infect floppy disk. Also, it infect boot records or master boot records in computer hard disks. Examples of boot viruses include: Disk Killer and Stone virus. Program viruses: These kind of viruses infect executable program files running in the computer such extensions like (.BIN , .COM , .EXE and .SYS) files. Example of program viruses: Sunday and Cascade. FAT Virus: This virus attack section of the hard disc where essential files are stored and it can be deleting files system. Parasitic Viruses or File viruses: When you first run a program infected with a Parasitic virus, the virus is started first. The computer operating system sees the virus as part of the program you running and gives the virus the same right as the program. This right let the virus to copy itself. Macro virus: This virus attack Microsoft Word documents. It is easily increase for any PC just by email. Example of macro viruses: Relax, Melissa.A and Bablas. Worm: it is a program similar to a virus. It is able to replicate itself and deployed across the computer network. Examples of worms include: PSWBugbear.B, Lovgate.F, Trile.C, Sobig.D, Mapson. 4.0 How Do Viruses Spread? Computer viruses are programs that must be triggered or somehow executed before they can infect your computer system and spread to others. Examples include opening a document infected with a macro virus, booting with a diskette infected with a boot sector virus, or double-clicking on an infected program file. Viruses can then be spread by sharing infected files on a diskette, network drive, or other media, by exchanging infected files over the Internet via e-mail attachments, or by downloading questionable files from the Internet. 5.0 Latest viruses : 6.0 Anti-virus software Anti-virus Software is a program installed onto your computer. It helps protect your computer from viruses and also can scan, detect and remove the viruses. It is supported by firewall software (which protects against hackers and some viruses) and can do several functions to protect your computer from viruses such as à ¿Ã ½ It protects against Viruses ,Spyware , Trojan horses and Warms. à ¿Ã ½ It protects against web based attacks and latest threats. à ¿Ã ½ It helps secure and monitory your network. à ¿Ã ½ It prevents others from taking control of your computer and using it to attack other computers . à ¿Ã ½ And there are other functions à ¿Ã ½etc . 7.0 Best antivirus prevalent in the world McAfee Antivirus . ESET NOD32 Antivirus . Norton 360 . Avira Antivirus . Kaspersky Internet Security . AVG Antivirus . Trend micro Antivirus . Note : You can see the classification of the ten best anti-virus programs in 2009 by 8.0 Prevention of virus infection 1- Check all the disks( CDs,HDD,Floppyà ¿Ã ½etc) that were used in other PCs before using them. 2- Non-implementation of any program is taken from public networks such as the Internet before the examination. 3- The use of original software, or licensed. 4- Use a password to prevent hackers to access in your PC or copy important data . 5- To keep multiple backup copies of all your files before installing any new programs. 6- Processing computer with an anti-virus and always updated to ensure that detect new viruses. 7- Always updated operating system and support it by the windows defender . 8- Do not open any Email does not know the sender . 9.0 Literature Review There are a lot of researchers have written about computer virus and antivirus : 1- Ferbrache, David. Pathology of Computer Viruses. Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1992.Fites, Philip, Peter Johnston, and Martin Kratz. The Computer Virus Crisis. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold 1992. 2- See F. B. Cohen, A Short Course on Computer Viruses (2d ed. 1994); G. Smith, The Virus Creation Labs: A Journey into the Underground (1994); W. T. Polk et al., Anti-Virus Tools and Techniques for Computer Systems (1995); M. A. Ludwig. The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses (2d ed. 1998); P. E. Fites, P. Johnston, and M. P. J. Kratz, The Computer Virus Crisis (1999). 3- Naming and Classifying Computer Viruses in 1996 by David B. Hull, Ph.D. 4- Open Problems in Computer Virus Research Steve R. White IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Yorktown Heights, NY USA Presented at Virus Bulletin Conference, Munich, Germany, October 1998 5- A history of computer viruses à ¿Ã ½ Introduction Harold Joseph Highland FICS, FACM, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Available online 10 June 1998. 10.0 Methodology 10.1 The questionnaire: The questionnaire for this survey was making to find out about virus and antivirus . Usually it is distributed among the large number of people to know to find out the result and their attitude on the virus and antivirus . There were 13 questions were printed and distributed for people to know what they think about virus and antivirus . 10.2 Finding: This questionnaire contains a series of questions about the virus and antivirus .I asked public of people and taking their views on this subject. So, I found the following results: 1- Do you have any idea about Computer Virus? All the public of people knew very well what is the computer virus? Around 100% have the idea about computer virus. 2- Is your PC infected by virus ? Most of the people their computers infected by the virus . 3- Do you make backup copies of your files ? The majority of the people are doing backup copies between monthly and other days .Furthermore, there is less of people doing backup copies through daily or never doing . 4- Which is antivirus do you use ? Around 33.37% of the people are using McAfee antivirus and the same percentage using another antivirus .In addition,26.65 % their using Kaspersk Internet Security and 6.61% using ESET NOD32 . 5- Do you buy the original anti-virus? Around 80% of the people are buying the original copy of antivirus and unfortunately , percentage of the remaining people are buying non-licensed versions. 6- How often do you update your anti-virus ? There are high percentages in terms of update antivirus between daily and weekly. On other hands , around 20% of people are updated antivirus . 7- Do you perform virus scan for the CD or Flash disc before you use it? Most people perform virus scan for the CD or Flash disc before use it in computers and About 13% of people ignore virus scan for the CD or Flash disc . 8- Do you use the Internet service daily ? There is a large percentage of people use the Internet service on a daily and depend on it. 9- Are you protecting your files by using a password ? 54% protecting files by using a password and less percentage not protecting files . 10- Do you get any virus while you read any Email? 53% of people infected through the virus while read Email . 11- Would you like to create viruses? Most people do not tend to create viruses and less than 27% of people tend to create viruses . 12- Do you think that antivirus companies create computer viruses? It was found that 73% of the people think antivirus companies are created computer viruses because get to a lot of money through buy antivirus and using it to protect their files from a virus . 13- Would you like to use more than one anti-virus in your PC? It was found that 93% of the people do not want to use more than one antivirus in the same PC because make delay for performance PC and reduce of speed . 11.0 Conclusions This report discussed about Virus an Antivirus . I gathered information through Internet ,some books and my colleagues. According to the survey, I Found that the viruses grow and spread very quickly, but peoples awareness and knowledge of the risk of viruses make them eager to stop the spread of viruses through using antivirus software and making backup copies of the files .Furthermore, Using security programs such as firewall or windows defiance are helping to protect your computer from viruses . In addition, this report covered the types of viruses and dangerous on the PC. Every day more and more viruses, but in the end is getting rid of them. 12.0 Recommendations I recommend all to use antivirus software and make updating on the daily through an internet. Moreover, do not open any Email does not know the sender and perform virus scan for CD or Flash memory before use it in your computer. And also to be safe, use the original copy of your software. 13.0 Bibliography
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bilingual Education Essay -- Education, Languages, communication, fore
Bilingual education is any school program which utilizes two languages. An example of legal rationale in regarding bilingual education is English being the only language approach that is taught to English language learners in the United States in school districts according to No Child Left Behind Act of 2001(NCLB). However, historical rationale concerning bilingual education is the history of events that occurred due to bilingual education not being taught in a school district. An example is Meyer V: Nebraska (1923). This case briefly was in regards to prohibiting anyone from teaching any subject in any other language except for English. Therefore, in this essay three articles will be summarized regarding the legal and historical rationale of bilingual education. Also providing an example of the connection of todayââ¬â¢s educational practice in regards to ELL students in todayââ¬â¢s classroom environment for each legal and historical event discussed in this essay. In the first article discusses Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas (Brown v. Board of Education. 1954). The case took place due to a Black female student who had to walk several miles to get to her school through unfavorable conditions that was dangerous for her safety. However, the White school that was in her neighborhood or in walking distance from her home she was not allowed to attend due to her race. The reason for this historical court case was regarding that state-supported and state mandated laws in the United States favored segregation. Therefore, the Supreme Court decision ruled that all public schools throughout the United States will be desegregated. This means that Black students were able to attend White public schools throughout all of the ... ...n is still occurring regarding bilingual education. Second article explained Lau vs. Nichols court case and what the outcome of this court case confirmed today in bilingual education. Also suggestions were given to teachers teaching in todayââ¬â¢s classroom on how to understand ELL students whose first language is not English. Third article discussed Proposition 227 which was created in San Francisco, California in the year of 1998. This Proposition brought about changes that banned bilingual education to ELL students. Also as a result of this change in Californiaââ¬â¢s constitution banning bilingual education; ELL students today lag behind English speaking students. Therefore, these legal and historical rationale in bilingual education discussed in this essay has not resolved the issues of ELL students being successful learners in todayââ¬â¢s classroom environment.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How the media has affected the youth Essay
What is body image? It is the subjective picture or mental image of oneââ¬â¢s own body. People view their bodies differently thatââ¬â¢s what makes an individual to have his or her own unique style of dressing. People pick up different styles from different places some have a negative impact while others positive. Body image includes: It takes time for some one to come up with an image that can be spotted a mile away by anybody. Some points to note are how we look at our bodies visually, the feeling we get from our physical appearance, the sense of how others view our body image and how much we are connected to our bodies. Why body image is important? A simple explanation as to why body image is a priority to people is because they want to look presentable and admirable to the rest. Women spend hours in the mirror trying to figure out the best way to dress or apply make up. They end up wasting a lot of time trying to fix themselves unlike men who some of them do not own even a mirror in the house. If some one has a poor body image this can adversely affect the person leading to an increase in weight and no control loss of control of their bodies. This low self esteem have driven many to look for options so as to boost their body confidence. Some opt to do dieting, exercising lot, laxative abuse, vomiting, smoking and use of steroids in order to control weight/bodyà which is dangerous and leads to negative body image. A quote may can relate with ââ¬Å"There is always a vicious circle here: the more a person focuses on his or her body, the worse a person tends to feel about how he or she looks-obsession leads to discontentâ⬠. The human body thrives through compliments from different people this makes a person feel satisfied with the way they look. Negative compliments tend to make some one feel depressed and feel unwanted by the people surrounding them. Good comments about a personââ¬â¢s body image fuel their inner beauty and how they look at the world in general. A lady wants to be told she look amazing every now and then so that she can feel powerful which triggers her mind that she has control of her body entirely. But if a lady receives bad comments relating to how she looks her mind is set that no one likes her and she not worth looking at this is what leads people to do plastic surgery and the recent trend which is bleaching. How to develop a body image? When growing up body image was never an issue because our parents dressed us the way they knew best. Some times a child could wear all colors at the same time that prompted criticism from the friends. At a certain age thatââ¬â¢s when a person starts to develop his or her own style. The most common was by watching how other people were dressing and how they looked with a hairstyle or shoes that defined their identity. The people around us mostly our friends help to develop our body image, conversations about clothes, looks and attractiveness provide a context for paying attention to interpreting appearance related information. Friends are very important in body image development because of the sheer amount of time involved, the value of friendships and the way in whichà friends create shared norms and expectations about appearance. The Media This is the most powerful tool that has contributed significantly. This is through the various forms of media in the society for example Magazines, Internet (social media platforms available), Television and Radio. Many youth look up to different celebrity figures mostly in the entertainment industry the musicians and movie actors/actresses. I carried out a study to see to what extent the celebrities affect a person image and the results were astonishing. A lady from Nairobi who chose to be anonymous said that she looks up to Vera Sidika who is a famous socialite in Kenya who has earned her money through strutting her body. The lady claimed that anything Vera wears is what she will wear just to look like her. I asked her about if she was going to bleach her skin because her mentor has already done that. The reply I got was surprising ââ¬Å"I have already booked an appointment to with a specialist so that I can get it doneâ⬠, she said. ââ¬Å"Do you know the reppurcations that are there for bleaching your skin?â⬠I asked her. ââ¬Å"I donââ¬â¢t care as long as I look like Vera Sidika its fine by me furthermore its my life and I can live it the way I wantâ⬠, she said. This shows that many people are been lead a stray to do extreme and crazy things so that they can fit in the society and in the limelight whereby they must look cool. This is one of the negative effects of the media in establishing a personââ¬â¢s body image. Another negative effect is the modes of dressing most Kenyan ladies are donning skimpy dresses so as to impress and attract the opposite sex. This is causing a lot of noise from the Kenyan men who are saying the women are out to get them. The women seem not to be relenting and they even wear skin tights that reveal all the curves on their body. It might seem fashionable but our ancestorsà turn on their graves by the sight of these ladies who claim to be trendy. The negative effects heavily outweigh the positive effects of the media but there are good contributions to the society. The media enables us to get new information about many things. There are programmes on television that talk about the healthy living styles, how to control/check your weight, better eating habits and dangers of using extreme methods to boost ones body image. A young man who I got the chance to socialize with said that his idol was Kanye West a United States rapper who is always on the limelight for wearing ââ¬Ëman skirtsââ¬â¢. Many have copied the trend and have started wearing these types of clothes ignoring the social effects it will have on them. Their only main concern is to look cool in the wears. Here is further explanation on the effects caused by different types of media platforms: 1. Television Our minds are made in a way that we are attracted to colorful and extraordinary things. The television is a powerful device that can build or destroy a personââ¬â¢s image. When celebrities wear any type of cloth it instantly becomes a fashion trend and everybody wants to dress like so and so. For example if a famous singer wears a piece of sack of gumboots on a hot sunny day the youth will emulate that style instantly. Before the television revolutionized people live the youth of the early days used to dress appropriately barely showing their thighs or cleavage. It is considered fashionable to wear the latest designer clothes and a certain style, if you donââ¬â¢t you are considered a fashion outcast who doesnââ¬â¢t have any taste plus lacks the hype of being cool. 2. Magazine Publications have a firm grip on the minds of the youth, which made them likeà zombies following things blindly without asking questions. Ladies do to the extreme of cutting faces of models in the magazine and replacing them with their pictures so that they can feel good about themselves. This does not improve ones self esteem one bit but instead creates a cloud of belief that can be blown away by a single negative comment from some one. You find the youth have a number of style magazines that they consult before wearing anything or choosing a particular hairstyle. The youth tend to forget that we were all born differently with unique qualities that no one else has making us stand out to the rest of the world. 3. Internet This is the domain that has constantly dictated how we live our lives and will continue doing so as long as the world is becoming more and more technological. This is a platform where you can find anything you search for example how to bleach ones skin, the best way to seduce a man through the mode of dressing and the latest fashion trends among other many more sites people visit. The main contributor to the widespread use of the Internet is the easy access to the youth and its simplicity to maneuver it. Recommendation: Ways to boost a personââ¬â¢s body. Some ways in which a person can boost his or her appearance is by blocking out all that is advertised or shown in the television or messages from the radio. Another way is to stay off the scale it is not a good attitude to always climb on a weighing scale every time to feel good about your body image. Have a positive attitude of telling yourself ââ¬Å"I feel goodâ⬠. Realize that you cannot change your body type and appreciate and accept your genetic inheritance. Avoid as much as possible comparing yourself with others, you are physiology unique because you can able to sense your bodyââ¬â¢s needs and abilities and research show that too much comparing leads to aà negative body image. Move and enjoy your body which makes it feel at peace, strong, and energized plus involving yourself in activities such as swimming, dancing and biking so as to have control of your body. The other recommendation is to reduce the amount of time spent in looking at the mirror everyday because the more you spend lots of time in front of the mirror this charges the negative body image. Spending time with people who have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies is another sure way to boost your body image. This goes a long way to nurturing your inner self, which builds up self-esteem for both men and women. Conclusion: A personââ¬â¢s image can only be affected if he or she pays attention to the media and all that is trending. Feeling good about one self is the only key and ammunition one needs to survive in this world of discouragers by focusing on their own image development without minding what other people say. We were all born wonderfully with Godââ¬â¢s image and it is not right to corrupt our images through chemicals or plastic surgeries to look like some one else on earth.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
In Another Country Essay
War is the worst thing a mankind can face. For me, war is always associated with sadness, loss, grief and peopleââ¬â¢s bravery. And all these themes are brightly unfolded in the story ââ¬Å"In Another Countryâ⬠by Ernest Hemingway, which is under consideration. Hemingway is an American author of the 20th century, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. The ones of his famous works include The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and The Sea. The popularity of Hemingwayââ¬â¢s is based on the themes, which are love, war, wilderness and loss, all of which are strongly evident in the body of work. The title of the story is puzzling, as it has two meanings: direct and indirect one. At first glance, ââ¬Å"In Another Country,â⬠refers to the fact that the American narrator is indeed in a foreign land-Italy. But the other side of it is that the main hero is culturally, emotionally in another country. He is at War, the country of the ââ¬Ëso-calledââ¬â¢ sickness and injuring. Now let me give you the brief reconstruction of the events. It was fall in Milan, a group of soldiers wounded in World War I received treatment at a hospital. There, one of the main characters, the narrator of the story, wounded in his knee, saw three Italian soldiers, but felt a great wall between him and them, because he had received his medal for being an American, and they actually performed feats of bravery to receive theirs. Another main character, the major with the withered hand taught him Italian. One day, the major became angry when Nick mentions about marriage, he burst out, because the majorââ¬â¢s wife had just died. The major could not resign himself to the loss of his wife. He was crushed, shattered by the news. While reading the story we can state several key-points, which help us to understand and analyze the context. And the main of them, to my mind are war and bravery. First, let me dwell upon the bravery. The attitude towards bravery is different in terms of the characters of the story. The personality of the narrator is described indirectly, through his thoughts . He wasnââ¬â¢t a brave man during the war. ââ¬Å"I was very much afraid to dieâ⬠¦ and wondering how I would be when I went back to the front againââ¬â¢. As for the three soldiers, there was no notion of the bravery in the targets of any of these persons. The narrator calls them ââ¬Å"hunting hawksâ⬠. They were hunting for medals, material values, given by the government, not for the faith. The attitude of the protagonist and the soldiers are also specific due to attitude towards the war, so was the major. We get to know from the story that they are Italian. They are very patriotic people, and their duty was to protect their country, as the war was on their territory. And the narrator was just an American, Let me quote : ââ¬Å"I had been given the medals because I was an Americanâ⬠¦being wounded, after all, was really an accident. â⬠He didnââ¬â¢t understand why people die, what they fought for. The problem of the ââ¬Ëlost generationââ¬â¢ arises here. The fact is that Americans were indifferent to the war. Their aim was just to participate and being wounded. As the result, the relationship between the narrator and the soldiers were specific. Let me quote: ââ¬Å"I was a friend, but I was never really one of themâ⬠¦ they have done different things to get their medalsâ⬠, ââ¬Å"I wasnââ¬â¢t a hawkâ⬠. As for the major, he didnââ¬â¢t believe in bravery at at. And Through his loss we understand that for the narrator the major was the bravest man of all, as he possessed a strong mind and tried to cope with his feelings like a brave soldier. We are to admit that the author uses different stylistic device, what makes the story more expressive, captivating and interesting to read. First of all it is the usage of foreign words, for instance ââ¬Å"Signor Maggioreâ⬠, ââ¬Å"A basso gliufficiali! â⬠, which reflect the Italian atmosphere, where the action takes place. Other stylistic device is symbolism, which, to my mind, prevalent in this story. The recovering machines are the symbol of false promises and hopes. I quote: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ there were large framed photograps around the wall, of all sorts of wounds before and after they had been cured by the machinesâ⬠¦ I do not know where the doctor got themâ⬠, and this symbol also implicate with irony, e. g. ââ¬Å"You will be able to play football again better than everâ⬠. Other symbols, ââ¬Å"roasted chestnutsâ⬠, ââ¬Å"charcoal fireâ⬠, are the hopes for the better, because they mean light and warmth. The story makes use of repetition to emphasize the narration ââ¬Å"In the fall the war was always thereâ⬠, ââ¬Å"It was cold in the fall in Milan and the dark came very early. â⬠He repeats this idea with a slightly different emphasis at the end of the paragraph: ââ¬Å"It was a cold fall and the wind came down from the mountains. â⬠This description of nature here is also rather symbolic. It makes me feel the atmosphere of death and hopelessness. In conclusion I can say that it is smth bloody and sad. But through all these disasters we are to stay humans and bravery ones. The war will finish, but the human nature is eternal.
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